Submitted by Durraur on Fri, 03/03/2006 - 17:42.
Hey its not often I post anything here :-P
Anyway. Despite the onslaught of people that thought we couldn't do it we flew threw the last two Promy's with flying colors at the start of this week. Even to the point of shattering the record on the MEA boss. (Don't let anyone tell you what your party must be on a promy.) Our setup was a little 'interesting' but never the less we won.
(almost less then 5 minutes)
WAR/NIN, WAR/NIN, WAR/NIN, WHM/BLM, BLM/WHM, BST/NIN <-(me)- Once again proving the effectiveness of BST in anything ^^
Getting to the point. Guess who might want to go get their JSE. I'm wondering is there an interest in this. If I cant find anyone up to it I'll just go solo mine. Its not a problem, but if I can find some people that want to do this lets make it happen and get some JSE done. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Nights are good for me. If there is an interest I will be setting this up across my many Linkshells (5) for it to be a combined effort. If you are interested let me know in game or post here.
mmmmmm Subligar
I would be interested in doing some sub runs. I would even host them because I still want 3 of them DRK, RDM, SAM. I can do this any evening from 7:30 cst untill we finish (or pass out)
Mea record
lol not to burst your bubble or anything but the records are reset every midnight Japan-time.
So we pretty much beat the record every time we do them^^
Congrats tho
Ok O.o;
Well I'll take the silence I recieved from my post as one of two things. Either yall don't like me, or nobody needs subligars. Don't worry I solo'd mine in 15 mins anyway. I just offered help. If anyone needs help with it just give me a tell. I'll help you get a subligar if I have time. Sorry to hear there wasn't anyone that wanted to go to do this. ~Durraur
Heh, actually you didn't give enough time for people to reply. Also, I hadn't been on since Thursday (3/2), and I'm the only person who seems to push posts to the front page. Thus, your post never got pushed to the front page (and thus, was likely lost in the mix :-)
Actually, I have been asked by two others to lead up a sub run in the coming weeks. So you aren't the only one.
Right now, it looks like the only time I will have will be next Saturday or Sunday. So I will aim for one of those two days.
Vis Maior's Journeys
I'm in.
Assuming we can start on time, participants are prepared and all conflicting events are sorted out, I can help on Monday night.
Not really interested in any JSE (would be interested in our favorite resident NM though), I just really hate fomors.
Darkkit didn't read my post before she posted hers :-P
Vis Maior's Journeys
thats because you posted yours while I was typing mine silly LOL