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Mannequin Feet
Maior suggested we all had Mannequin Feet somewhere in our safes, or in storage, because we lost at least two pair. I had a mule in Windurst I was Outpost Warping to in order to acquire more Water Crystals, Thundermelon and Watermelon off of (Melon Juice, yum!, good for Garrison) so I put my Mannequin Feet on her.
Final Result:
I have a spare pair of Mannequin Feet I snagged for Nelsh. I can hand them to Nelsh, or to Maior, or if Nelsh wants I suppose I can set a gil price on them and try to bazaar off a mule and hand the gil over when they are sold.
I think Malkier and I drank 36 - 48 Melon Juices for that Garrison! =^_^=
Garrison Woot
ya if i'm back on campus by 8 i'll deffinatly make a run out. money is good for BLM my lvl. So i'll try my best to be on around then, depends on what Golagres and i end up doing tonight.
Hopefully see you all tonight, and GL if i don't
Two people last night told me I mistakenly put up something saying they needed a Silver Engraving (which is Beadeux, I think)... but I can't see the mistake.
Did I make a mistake on this post I am not seeing?
Vis Maior's Journeys
Oh wait, nevermind. I see in the logs that Raprot fixed it :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
Time Bad
I get off work at 9:00 EST, so I won't get home untill around 9:30. If the Garrison is still going on I can come as WHM. I think I can also call my NPC, not sure if I need a certain amount of Trust with my NPC or not, if the LS wants.
1) NPCs wont work. If you have 6 or more people in your party/alliance, you cannot call your NPC. The NPC just wont come out. Sorry, that's the way the NPC works.
2) With respect to the time: As I said in my post, I cannot lead one up on Saturday due to the lecture I'm giving. So, if people want one on Saturday, someone else will have to lead it up.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Sorry all, I have no idea how to use this site or any website at all like this, you can laugh at me late if u wish. However, most ppl can tell you I am definitely interested in the Garrison, but I need the details like, when is the Garrison, when are we getting the items (if we are doing it together), and if there is room for me. If you could let me know on the ls, I would appreciate it, I have more limited access to a comp than my game, so that would be fantastic ~^
Read above :-)
Well, just read the post that you replied to :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys