Submitted by sam on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 20:11.
Ray has posted a comment about starting up the next CoP chapter. This is definately something I'd like to do sooner rather than later, so I'd like to take a quick impromptu poll as to who'd be interested and what jobs they could bring.
Read on for more..
Chapter 2-3 : Distant Beliefs
The next chapter in CoP after the Promyvions involves heading to Phomiuna Aqueducts where we fight a Minotaur. We'll be working through the strategies before we head out, but right now, here's what we will need:
- Healers (Duh)
- THF (At least one for lock-picking inside so we don't have to farm for keys)
- Level 40+ (Level cap for area is 40)
- Alliance (12 people-ish)
- Preparation before hand killing orcs to reduce Fomor aggro
So... please answer the following questions if interested in this:
- 1) Have you completed the Promies?
- 2) What jobs do you have at or past level 40?
Once we have established what kind of turn-out we could have for one of these, we will schedule a time for it. Right now, I'm thinking that we could try in two weeks (possibly on the 19th or so?)
Votes for Garrison
Looks like on the poll that Garrison should be this weekend. Personally, I'd love to try a Friday night one as I have to get up early on Sundays (Saturday, I can sleep in). I may just post it for then and see what happens :-)
For the Aqueducts, most people say allocate around 2 hours for them. They say they only really take an hour, but getting everyone to the safehold usually is the big time sink. But, really, you have two weeks at least to get a job to 40 if you don't have one there yet.
Also, I agree with Tam, I don't want anymore weekend Promy runs. The one she held last night worked very well (even if I was a son of a bitch). The only problem I have with Mondays is traditionally I don't play on Mondays (my wife and I traditionally watch the Stargate SG-1 marathon on Sci-Fi channel :-) This means that I will not always be there on Monday nights to help out (e.g., some other WARs or tanks are going to have to step up).
Vis Maior's Journeys
Night does not matter
The night for Garrison does not matter to me.
Windurst controls the Outpost for the Peninsula; so Meretrix helped me acquire my sack of Mithra Fangs. Meretrix is from Windurst too, and also has a sack of Fangs, courtesy of a gift from a Goblin Shaman.
2 Weeks is better for me
I will not be in town this weekend if you decide to give it a go. I can realistically have DRG/WAR or RDM/BLM to 40 before this time if I get lucky with some good parties. I haven't had time to really read the strategy for the boss, so I'm not sure what job would be most beneficial. I will need to know as funds will start running low until my mannequin parts sell. Valsery has been sitting in Jeuno now since our Promy run last night, so I'm hoping for good news when I get home. ^_^ Either way, I definitely think advancing some of the other missions is a better call than Promy boss fights on the weekend. We've gotten it down to an art at this point, no need to take up a full weekend night with it.
If you guys try this weekend, I'll be available for the next run.
2 weeks
Yeah, 2 weeks for the aqueducts were exactly what I was thinking. I've already done a couple of dry runs with strangers, and would like to try a few more before I really want to try to head one up myself.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Im Sorry
I don't have a job at or over 40 yet, my highest is WHM at 36. So I can't start the next part or CoP.
I'm leaning away form WHM I'm thinking of having BRD be my main, for now. I also could level any job that the LS is in need of. But I like almost all the jobs, with the exception of RNG for some reason, maybe I haven't gotten into it yet. Currently I have all but RNG at 10, other than WHM and BLM.
Two weeks
At a minimum, you'll have 2 weeks to get a job to 40. Honestly, both BRD and WHM are plenty popular enough for you to get them to 40 by then (DD love BRD :-)
Also, even if you miss our first one, I doubt it will be the only one. I honestly don't expect to win the first time or two through the aqueducts. I certainly didn't through Promy :-) I expect we'll probably have to lose a few times before we start seeing a really good strategy.
Vis Maior's Journeys
I don't know about Malkier
I don't know about Malkier, but though I am willing to continue to help out on weekends with other Promyvion stuffs (as WHM/SMN) I am leaning away from attending anymore Promyvion ENM's and/or Promyvion Spire Boss Bashes on Weekends.
---because, because, because, because---
On even-numbered Mondays I am hosting an ENM run! =^_^=
It is an Open Alliance ENM run - so if you show up with Hysteroanima and Psychoanima you may come along for the Monday ENM fight and probable 2,000+ experience gain for your job.
My advice for those who still need a Spire Boss Bash - come along for the Monday ENM (Nov 14th, Nov 28th), vote to go into the crag you need the Boss for. We are generous folk, we try to help one another out (we really do). We will fight the ENM for that Crag, then we will bash your Boss.
WHM comments (for free, of course!) =^_^=
Free comments! =^_^=
o WHM 42 / RDM 21 (for now)
o I have the map for the Tavnazian Safehold, so "yes" on a few CoP accomplishments!
o I can play one Clan Event (typically) on a Thursday, Friday, Saturday, OR Sunday evening
o I think Raytien is in a Dynamis group so I don't know what nights he is available, same for Avatarx?
o I think Phomiuna Aqueducts can be played on any given weekend whereas Garrison is best played on a weekend when Regional Influence is split among outposts
o I have level 30 gear for a Garrison, should one take place
o a guide
o he is rather ugly,
tell him he missed Halloween by a couple of weeks already!
CoP Chp 2
Hehe im all for doing chapter 2 i have all my promys done and can bring either smn or blm both are over 40 so just tell me what ya need and im there ^^