Submitted by Tamara on Tue, 12/06/2005 - 04:08.
As many of you know I host a mostly-ENM event on even-numbered Mondays. I say 'mostly' because an ENM is never guaranteed (last time it turned into Anima farming). The ENM for Dec 12th at 9pm Eastern in Jueno Gardens by Venessa is still a GO.
The ENM for Dec 26th is CANCELLED.
In its place I am hosting a CLAN WINTER FESTIVAL beginning at 9pm Eastern in Port Bastok (by the decorations) and running till 11pm Eastern. The December Mods for FFXI should be out by then and I hope we will be having Cake!
Also I will be playing Master-of-Gifts! That is right, those of you who plan on Showing Up -AND- wish to participate in a Clan Gift Exchange should post here on this thread (or send a /tell Tamara within the game). As Master-of-Gifts I will come up with the Gift Exchange List, I will also likely have to deliver any-gifts-gone-astray (not everyone is going to show up at the same time nor is everyone going to hang around for two hours).
The primary Gift Exchange will take place at 10PM Eastern during this Event. If there are enough folks still around (at least 8 folks with CoP installed) at 11PM Eastern I will take an Alliance into MEA ENM for a smidgeon of experience. So come to this Event with your Venessa Censer if you want to participate in a possible MEA ENM beginning at 11PM Eastern!
Here is the sort of posting I need to see for GIFT EXCHANGE participants:
>>>>>>>>>> begin sample >>>>>>>>>>>
Tamara (Mithra)
Primary job is WHM, currently below level 46
Secondary job is SMN, currently below level 22
Crafting (hobbies) are: Fishing (30's) and Cooking (high 90's)
Tamara has a fondness for "those nice shiny daggers" (a Lord of the Rings quote) for her SMN (currently using a Decurion's Dagger)
<<<<<<<<<< end sample <<<<<<<<<<<<<
So obviously someone matched with Tamara would know it is likely I don't need armor because AF is coming up and it is unlikely I have a scroll for a level 50 WHM spell (some of these level 50 WHM scrolls are still going relatively cheap I believe). Of course as a Cook a single Wild Onion would make a nice gift (we cooks can always use a Wild Onion in something). As a Fishingmithra I could always make use of a Shrimp Lure (though lures can be irretrievably lost under the new fishing system).
As a WHM44/Cook my gift to my Exchange Partner would likely be some kind of high-level food, or there are some NM's I might be able to camp at level 44. Some NM's come to mind right now.
Post your character's name and main job levels here if you wish to participate in the Clan Gift Exchange. Or you can just show up for the Winter Festival if you want cake but do not want to Exchange a Gift.
The cut-off to participate in the Gift Exchange is by U.S. midnight (11:59PM) on the 18th. On December 20th I will roll dice to match you with your Gift Partner and I will post the results here. That will give Gift Exchange Participants almost a week to shop/farm/camp/harvest/mine whatever for their partner.
Brief example of how the Gift Exchange List I will be posting might turn out:
Tamara gives Maior a gift.
Thersites gives Malkier a gift.
Kitchel gives Avatarx a gift.
Maior gives Kitchel a gift.
Malkier gives Tamara a gift.
Avatarx gives Thersites a gift.
For characters with jobs < 20 remember these items you could likely farm:
silk thread (crawlers) is now worth about 4,000 gil each
fresh mugwort (harvested in Giddeus) is now worth 12,000 gil each
stack of wild onions (Goblin Thugs) is now about 18,000 gil
Happy Holidays and remember the Winter Festival Event is really just for fun! It is not intended to advance your character in the game nor make it rich.
{Galka} {Present}
Maior (Galka)
Primary job : Monk 69 (giggidy)
Other jobs : WAR 40, RNG 32, SAM 29, WHM 12 (and the rest)
Crafting : Cooking around 75(ish).
Right now my biggest concerns are my WHM and my MNK (I'll need WHM 37 for end-game MNK). Honestly, if someone wanted to help powerlevel my WHM as I level with my NPC, that would be probably the best holiday gift ever :-D
Vis Maior's Journeys
I have been a good Mithra this year!!
Darkkit (Mithra)
main: SMN 52 I am missing 2 staffs :( but I got my AF body :) ty arbe
main 2: DRG 32 (YAY for the update)
hobbies: I like helping friends and talking on the LS
ENM on 12/12, WINTER FESTIVAL on 12/26
ENM on 12/12, WINTER FESTIVAL on 12/26
Tamara 12/06/2005 - 00:08
As many of you know I host a mostly-ENM event on even-numbered Mondays. I say 'mostly' because an ENM is never guaranteed (last time it turned into Anima farming). The ENM for Dec 12th at 9pm Eastern in Jueno Gardens by Venessa is still a GO.
The ENM for Dec 26th is CANCELLED.
In its place I am hosting a CLAN WINTER FESTIVAL beginning at 9pm Eastern in Port Bastok (by the decorations) and running till 11pm Eastern. The December Mods for FFXI should be out by then and I hope we will be having Cake!
Also I will be playing Master-of-Gifts! That is right, those of you who plan on Showing Up -AND- wish to participate in a Clan Gift Exchange should post here on this thread (or send a /tell Tamara within the game). As Master-of-Gifts I will come up with the Gift Exchange List, I will also likely have to deliver any-gifts-gone-astray (not everyone is going to show up at the same time nor is everyone going to hang around for two hours). The primary Gift Exchange will take place at 10PM Eastern during this Event. If there are enough folks still around (at least 8 folks with CoP installed) at 11PM Eastern I will take an Alliance into MEA ENM for a smidgeon of experience.
So come to this Event with your Venessa Censer if you want to participate in a possible MEA ENM beginning at 11PM Eastern!
Here is the sort of posting I need to see for GIFT EXCHANGE participants:
--begin sample
Tamara (Mithra) Primary job is WHM, currently below level 46
Secondary job is SMN, currently below level 22
Crafting (hobbies) are: Fishing (30's) and Cooking (high 90's)
Tamara has a fondness for "those nice shiny daggers" (a Lord of the Rings quote) for her SMN (currently using a Decurion's Dagger)
--end sample
So obviously someone matched with Tamara would know it is likely I don't need armor because AF is coming up and it is unlikely I have a scroll for a level 50 WHM spell (some of these level 50 WHM scrolls are still going relatively cheap I believe). Of course as a Cook a single Wild Onion would make a nice gift (we cooks can always use a Wild Onion in something). As a Fishingmithra I could always make use of a Shrimp Lure (though lures can be irretrievably lost under the new fishing system).
As a WHM44/Cook my gift to my Exchange Partner would likely be some kind of high-level food, or there are some NM's I might be able to camp at level 44. Some NM's come to mind right now.
Post your character's name and main job levels here if you wish to participate in the Clan Gift Exchange. Or you can just show up for the Winter Festival if you want cake but do not want to Exchange a Gift. The cut-off to participate in the Gift Exchange is by U.S. midnight (11:59PM) on the 18th. On December 20th I will roll dice to match you with your Gift Partner and I will post the results here. That will give Gift Exchange Participants almost a week to shop/farm/camp/harvest/mine whatever for their partner.
Brief example of how the Gift Exchange List I will be posting might turn out:
Tamara gives Maior a gift.
Thersites gives Malkier a gift.
Kitchel gives Avatarx a gift.
Maior gives Kitchel a gift.
Malkier gives Tamara a gift.
Avatarx gives Thersites a gift.
For characters with jobs < 20 remember these items you could likely farm: silk thread (crawlers) is now worth about 4,000 gil each, fresh mugwort (harvested in Giddeus) is now worth 12,000 gil each, a stack of wild onions (Goblin Thugs) is now about 18,000 gil.
Happy Holidays and remember the Winter Festival Event is really just for fun! It is not intended to advance your character in the game nor make it rich =^_^=