Submitted by mAdBoY on Wed, 09/14/2005 - 11:30.
You know the drill: Submit ideas for quests/missions that you would like added this our weekend schedule. We currently have no organized events planned for this weekend.
I would also like to get an idea of who is interested in finishing the Promy battles. We have learned from our previous runs that cookie-cutter parties (RNG, WHM, SMN, BLM) are not generally that greatest parties for the boss fights at the top. We have made this run enough to know how to reach the summit with very little trouble. Depending on the response, we can try to take an alliance to the top. Here are a few required jobs:
SMN - 1 per group(prefer 2 per party if available. If a second SMN can't be found, a BLM can't be subbed.)
RNG - 1 per group
TANK - 1 tank per group to keep hate.
DD - Range of jobs, but prefer any job that has Provoke as an ability for backup.
Give me your thoughts and availability if you're interested. I am available this weekend but will be on vacation in Florida the following weekend. (Sept 24-Oct 1) We may not be able to throw this together this weekend, but can at least start planning a run for the following weekend.
Let me know!
Saturday Afternoon?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest we try this Saturday afternoon, lol. Looks like we have the following players so far:
Valsery (DRG)
Thersites (WAR or RNG)
Tamara (WHM)
Malkier (?)
Meretrix (may or may not be there)
If not enough players show up, we can try to fill the party by shouting, or just postpone it.
Saturday & Sunday Battles
Looked like our party was composed 100% of Clan folk and we beat three Promyvion ENM and two Promyvion Spire Bosses over two days (ENM generally grants 3,000 exp per member per victory). We used very little for the ENM's as we were saving potions and Anima for the Big Spire Bosses (I guess ENM qualifies as a sort of Small Spire Boss).
Raytien was our Pathfinder for most of the time, or maybe 100% of the time (LOL! Lots of combat so I forget). Folks ask for party configs, ours was:
Maior's scheme for Anima works. We tried out on Holla Spire Boss. You toss your Hysteroanima (negates special attacks), then count to five, and then you toss your Psychoanima (negates physical attacks). You can tell when Anima wears off by SEEING that the Boss is hitting on someone again - pretty obvious, even for a slow Mithra like me! So the next person in the list (agreed upon outside, before the battle) tosses their Hysteroanima, 5 count, then Psychoanima. I never saw any Terroanima used (probably a good indication we were doing things right).
I would guess the Holla Spire Boss spent over 80% of the battle just looking at us helplessly. Buffs for Holla were nothing: Poison Potion and Barsleepra were about it, also I think Garuda gave us Blink. We passed on using Reraise for the Big Boss. At 20% of Boss-Life-Remaining I think Thersites used a set of Icarus Wings and hit the fellow a good one and RNG 2 hours did nicely too; also we had a SMN with us.
The only potion I had to reach for during the Holla Boss Battle was the Poison Potion at the start of fight. The run-up to the Spire... okay, on floating-island three, now that was unpleasant for a bit and I had to use a Hi-Potion! LOL! Two Empty and two Strays after us all at once and every job was needed for that bit of excitement!
After the Big Boss Fight in the Holla Spire it was cut-scene time for me and several others - and an escorted walk to Taznavian/Tavnazian Safehold from a kind Mithra Dragoon! The Safehold was an interesting place! With lots of cut-scenes from talking to the citizens and a map to chase down!
The last two days was a LOT of fun so of course I need to thank the Clan for all the support!
As for future fights...I would say 6 x (Hysteroanima and Psychoanima) is definitely something to strive for! Keeps the Bosses subdued! So your party needs to remember to bring their Anima if you want to beat the front part of Chains of Promathia, the three Spire Bosses.
I guess CoP also grants Missions but I know nothing about those. I am just a lowly WHM! =^_^=
I'm glad the anima scheme worked. As soon as I saw they stacked, I figured something like that should work.
And yes, CoP has its own line of missions. You made it to Taznavian Safehold, so you have now completed the first mission for CoP (check your CoP mission log).
Well, drat, guys... I wanna complete mea :-)
At any rate, I like the idea of trying for weekly or semi-weekly ENM runs at least for the 3k EXP, and possibly a real spire-boss battle per week for those who still need them (looking at the polls, it looks like a lot of people do). Doing the ENM at least will get people prepared for the real boss, also it will allow them to farm animas on the way up with an actual purpose :-)
Perhaps I will put up an announcement for it... and see who else might be interested.
Vis Maior's Journeys
I didn't mean to do the Promys right away bc I knew I had to work Sat. and then a Friend came over and got on my network and somehow changed the settings so I lost internet for 2 days or so and thats why I just got around to replying.
Again I'm sorry for not goin with you all on Saturday.
Bah anything you guys do I wont be able to make this weekend. Our internet got shut off so no FFXI or internet for awhile. So ya no BLM for you.
Just wanted to share something with everyone. I just found out that anima stack. This means you can use Psychoanima to block physical attacks and Hysteroanima to block TP attacks at the same time. I don't know if this blocks ALL attacks (I assume you still will take hits) but it will certainly block all the really nasty ones.
What else does this mean? Well, this means that if EVERYONE in a party has BOTH Psycho- and Hystero- anima then you can effectively block all the nasty attacks for at least 6x30 seconds or 3 minutes.
The difficulty comes in timing these things. It's very hard to tell when they wrap up, and it can be anywhere from 30 to 45 seconds. So how do you do it?
Well, a trick that ravenclaw and I came up with, and we'd love to try out is have everyone use their pyschoanima, then count to 5, and use the hysteroanima.
This way, you can tell when BOTH are finished because when pyscho- vanishes your tank will start getting hit hard again. So, when the tank starts taking bigger damage than normal, the next person should fire off their psychoanima, count to 5, and use the hysteroanima.
This gives you a huge leg up when you understand this. The key is timing... pure and simple.
Anyway... if I can scrape myself away from work sometime soon, I'd love to try this with folks again.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Tamara WHM
Tamara said she would like to do the promy mission, either Friday or Saturday.
This week
Yeah, due to work related things I wont be available much this week. Sorry folks.
The next week I may be able to go on a promy run, but we will have to play that by ear.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Promy's (Do you have it?) (You can have this.)
I need all the promy's, I would like to do them all sometime. I would like to do them in order of easiets to hardest if possible, that way I can get farmiliar with what to do and when to do it better for the harder ones, Holla i believe is the hardest.
Dem, Holla, Mea
In all honesty, I've found Mea to be the hardest. Dem is pretty simple, Holla isn't bad as long as you stay poisoned and fire off anima at appropriate times.
Mea... now Mea is a beast...
Vis Maior's Journeys
Empty Notorious Monsters
Thersites can go as either Tank (WAR/NIN) or RNG. This weekend would be good for me. I would also like to encourage any group that does promy to also attempt the ENM while you're up there.
The nice things about ENM are:
1) Its easier than the Promy boss
2) If you win you each get 3000 experience points
3) If you die there's no experience lost
In my opinion we should be doing EMN's every chance we get!
I should have posted that Thersty. I was counting the ENMs in as well. We will need to make sure that everyone speaks to the NPC in the Gardens at the top of Jeuno for the key item. Also, make sure you have COP installed & registered, along with level 30 gear. If we get enough people to put it together this weekend, we will need a few people to go farm animas, preferably enough for at least 2 fights without having to farm others. I would *like* to knock out 3 if we can, but realistically this may not happen. We will see if we get enough members to join and how much time they can commit.
As far as difficulty, DEM, MEA, HOLLA is easiest to strongest supposedly. But Maior has already blown through Holla and said it was quite easy for their group, while Mea has given us a tough time. We'll have to play that one by ear.